Fred Poisson

      Minimalist cubes with gradient hues. Configurations vary.
      Minimalist cubes with gradient hues. Configurations vary.
      Minimal tondo watercolor with intense teal central shape with comet like quality.
      Minimal tondo watercolor with intense teal central shape with comet like quality.
      Minimalist artwork with center shape radiating intense light, softening outward.
      Minimalist artwork with center shape radiating intense light, softening outward.
      Minimalist tondo watercolor with intense purple central shape, set against a background of diluted hues.
      Minimalist tondo watercolor with intense purple central shape, set against a background of diluted hues.
      Minimalist watercolor with intense orange center, radiating outward to diluted tones.
      Minimalist watercolor with intense orange center, radiating outward to diluted tones.
      minimalist composition with intense magenta color in the center fading outward in diluted hues
      minimalist composition with intense magenta color in the center fading outward in diluted hues
      Minimalist watercolor with intense indigo color at center with gradual fade outward.
      Minimalist watercolor with intense indigo color at center with gradual fade outward.
      Minimalist watercolor composition with luminous slightly concave element in the center surrounded by skylike light blue.
      Minimalist watercolor composition with luminous slightly concave element in the center surrounded by skylike light blue.
      a gradient of intense orange watercolor transitioning gradually to a subdued yellow hue in a radial fashion
      Minimalist intense orange watercolor fading outward on yupo paper

      about fred poisson

      Driven by color and an abstracted essence, Poisson’s work balances graphic elements with organic fluidity. His work is a collaboration with natural forces, a fusion of art and science, as he experiments with traditional and unconventional materials born of a desire to do something new with pigment and surface. The work offers pure, experiential encounters as tones vary from midrange to surprisingly intense and radiate as the viewer interacts with each piece, especially when viewing the work from different angles. Poisson's work ranges from subtlety to intensity; in most, both qualities occur in the same work. In his monotone works, he commands the attention of the viewer to see one color dispersed into many. Other works explore the subtle transitions among multiple colors. Poisson’s effortless blending techniques fuse the pigments so naturally that they could be mistaken for a snapshot of the earth, or even the cosmos. As a young artist, Fred Poisson studied with the Swiss artist Claude Saucy, who was himself a student of Max Bill and the Bauhaus school. Poisson has experienced life among diverse cultures, having lived on four continents and in the South Pacific. He currently lives and works in New York City after many years as a Block Island, Rhode Island, resident. In 1992 Poisson received a BFA in painting from Rhode Island School of Design. He has exhibited both nationally and internationally.

      Fred Poisson (pictured middle) giving artist talk at opening exhibition in NY.